Jonathan Cox, Vintage Art Pottery, Flambe Lustre, Fly Agaric, Home of Fairies

This beautiful vase is perfect for those who love to add a touch of vintage to their home. The vase is 27cm in height and 15cm in width and was made in the UK. Crafted by Jonathan Cox, this vase features a stunning Fly Agaric (home of fairies and magical woodland creatures) design and has a glossy flambe glaze finish. The vase is reduction fired earthenware and is hand painted. The vase would add a touch of vintage elegance to any home. Jonathan Cox was inspired at a young age by a collection of early 20th century pottery owned by the family, and this motivated him to move to Stoke on Trent to study for a BA in design specialising in ceramics from 1980 to 1983. Developing an interest in the tube lining technique famously used by William Moorcroft and the Moorcroft factory to this day, on graduation he showed example of his work to a Derbyshire gallery to gain his 1st exhibition which was a sell-out, establishing him to continue his career in ceramics. At the time he lived in a small terraced house in Stoke with a very small kiln and and was nicknamed the “kitchen potter” by the Sentinel newspaper. Struggling to keep up with demand he moved to a workshop at The Shelton Enterprise Centre where he installed a much larger kiln, staying in Stoke for a further 11 years developing a strong collectors base worldwide and showing with many galleries and interiors publications.

Lapid Israeli Pottery VASE Studio Handcrafted Signed Ran Vintage RETRO Stunning XL Raku Fired Studio Pottery Vase Armin E. Muller 26cm
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