Studio Pottery Vase

Jean-Nicolas Gérard Studio Pottery Large Signed Slipware Vase Beaker


Jean-Nicolas was born in Brazzaville (Congo) in 1954. Since then, he has lived in the South of France (Grasse, Marseille, Plateau de Valensole). He started studying ceramics in 1978 and was Jean Biagini’s student at Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Aix-en-Provence. He briefly worked with stoneware before creating his first slipware studio (wood kiln). Since 1983, […]

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Winslow Art Pottery Vase Claycutters Circa 1980


Vintage Winslow Claycutters Art Pottery Vase Circa 1980. A wonderful made studio art pottery vase signed by Winslow and marked for Bill Read Claycutters Pottery. Superbly designed with six spill/candle holes, glazed area for spills while being designed with dripped wax effect. Good quality, stylish piece. W:- 24.0 cm, 240 mm. Excellent condition- minimal wears. […]

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