Warren Mackenzie Studio Pottery Vase With Early impressed stamp #399

Studio Pottery Vase With Early impressed stamp #399. There are some tiny flea bites to the glaze on the rim but otherwise completely free of damage or repair. It is important for any prospective purchaser to properly understand this piece. I have intimated that the vase was made in America. That may not be the case as the mark to the left is not his Stillwater pottery mark. All the research I have completed has not identified this mark. This time was very fluid for Warren, he had left the Leach pottery after serving an apprenticeship there. He organised for Bernard Leach to come to America and lecture. I believe if the second impressed mark was identified then the vase would be worth more. I have checked the marks project and the British studio pottery marks and there is nothing similar. The cost will vary from country to country from courier to courier and will depend upon weight and size of the parcel when packed. Thank you for looking at my items which will be updated regularly.

Jenny Alexander Studio Pottery Nude Figural Sculptural / Sculpture Vase Gorgeous Donald Mills studio pottery vase, celadon glaze, Circa 1950’s
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